Spine Runtimes Documentacija

Ovdje ćete naći opsežnu dokumentaciju za korištenje Spine runtimeova. Drugi pomoćni resursi uključuju Spine FAQ i Spine forum.

To get the latest source code, explore Spine Runtimes example projects, or file bugs, visit our Spine Runtimes GitHub repository.

  • JSON format
    Runtimes load this data to display animations. Spine imports this format, allowing interoperability with other tools.
  • Binary format
    Runtimes load this data to display animations. Spine imports this format, allowing interoperability with other tools.
  • Atlas format
    Runtimes load this data to display images efficiently.

  • Skeleton Viewer
    A tool to load and display exported skeleton data.
  • Super Spineboy
    An example platformer game showing how Spine can be used. All code and assets are included.