Kupite Spine
Kupnjom Spinea omogućeno vam je pohranjivanje projekata i eksportiranje animacijskih podataka, likova, videa i texture atlasa. Vaša Spine licenca vam dozvoljava korištenje Spine Runtimes u vašim igricama i aplikacijama. Molimo pročitajte cijeli sadržaj teksta licenci za više informacija.
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Preuzmite probnu verziju
Istražite mogućnosti Spinea iz prve ruke preuzimanjem probne verzije, besplatno za Windows, Mac i Linux.
$99 $69 USD
Spine Essential uključuje sve osnovne karakteristike i omogućava eksportiranje u svaki format koji je podržan. Mreže i druge napredne funkcije nisu uključene.
Možete nadograditi u Professional u bilo kojem trenutku za razliku u cijeni.
Sve buduće nadogradnje su osigurane bez dodatnih troškova. Svaki korisnik Spine Essentiala dobiva svoju osobnu licencu. Poslovni subjekti s godišnjim prihodima višim od $500,000 USD trebaju zatražiti Spine Enterprise licencu.
$439 $369 USD
Spine Professional uključuje sve karakteristike i omogućava profesionalcima dizajn naprednih animacija. Sve buduće nadogradnje su osigurane bez dodatnih troškova. Svaki korisnik Spine Professionala dobiva svoju osobnu licencu. Poslovni subjekti s godišnjim prihodima višim od $500,000 USD trebaju zatražiti Spine Enterprise licencu.
Spine Enterprise je uvijet za poslovne subjekte koji imaju godišnje prihode u visini $500,000 USD ili više. Licenca omogućava da Spine Enterprise koristi određeni broj korisnika u vremenskom periodu od godine dana. Sve nadogradnje su osigurane u tom vremenskom periodu. Nakon isteka jedne godine, Spine Enterprise mora biti ponovno licenciran ukoliko se želi nastaviti s korištenjem Spine Enterprise ili Spine Runtime Knjižnica.
Spine Enterprise može biti plaćena do 5 godina unaprijed. Molimo Please kontaktirajte nas za detalje ako imate ikakvih pitanja.
Spine Enterprise FAQ
Companies or individuals making more than $500,000 USD via revenue, investment income, venture capital, or other financing require Spine Enterprise and are not eligible to use Spine Essential or Spine Professional.
The purchase page allows you to pay with credit or debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, Diners Club) or Alipay. Unfortunately we cannot accept American Express (Amex) or PayPal. Orders over $1,000 USD have the option to pay via a bank wire transfer.
No, purchase orders are not needed when using our automated system.
You can download invoices from your license page. The URL to your license page will be sent to you via email once your Spine purchase is completed. If you have special invoice requirements, please contact us.
You can add additional seats to your license at any time from your license page. The URL to your license page will be sent to you via email once your payment is completed. Additional seats are purchased at a prorated price. For example, if your Spine Enterprise license has 3 out of 12 months left, the cost to add a seat is 3/12=25% of the normal price.
Our licensing system is flexible and based on the concurrent usage of installations. It is enough to simply stop using Spine on an old computer by logging out, then begin using it on a new one.
To provide Spine access to a new employee, first ensure your license is provisioned for the correct number of users, then provide the employee with your license's activation code. Alternatively, your IT department can perform the installation to avoid sharing your activation code.
If an employee leaves your company, they should logout of Spine and cease using your activation code. If you need a new activation code to prevent future access to the license, please contact us.
You can renew your license on your license page, which will extend your current license and keep your same activation code so your users are not impacted. The URL to your license page will be sent to you via email once your payment is completed. You will be reminded by email 90 days before your license expires.
If you make a new purchase instead of renewing from your license page, then you will receive a new activation code which will need to be given to your users.
Spine Enterprise licenses are valid for one year and can not be cancelled during this period. If you do not renew your license, it expires automatically, at which point you will not be able to use the Spine editor. You may continue to distribute products which contain the Spine Runtimes, but you may not integrate the Spine Runtimes into more products without a Spine Editor license.
No. You need a valid license to have access to the Spine editor.
Yes. Licensing Spine allows you to integrate the Spine Runtimes into your software and for you to distribute the resulting product however you like. You can also allow others to distribute the product, as long as they don’t modify it or use it to create new products.
You may continue to distribute products which contain the Spine Runtimes, but you cannot integrate the Spine Runtimes into more products without a Spine Editor license.
No. it is explicitely forbidden to sublicense or otherwise share your Spine Editor license with 3rd parties that are not an "Affiliate" as defined by Section 1.2.2 of our license agreement.
Yes, provided the subsidiary or affiliate qualifies under Section 1.2.2 of the license agreement.
If the other company modifies the product or uses it to create new products, then the other company needs a Spine Editor license.
If the other company only distributes the product, without modification, then the other company does not need a Spine Editor license.
Spine Education je pristupačniji način za vašu školu ili obrazovnu instituciju da omogući korištenje Spinea svim studentima i zaposlenicima. Licenca omogućava da Spine Education bude instaliran na određeni broj računala u periodu od jedne godine. Svi studenti i zaposlenici mogu koristiti software u obrazovne i nekomercijalne svrhe. Nakon isteka jedne godine, Spine mora biti ponovno licenciran ukoliko se želi nastaviti s korištenjem softwarea.
Spine Education FAQ
Spine Education can only be licensed by accredited educational institutions such as schools or universities.
No. Spine Education is heavily discounted for use in teaching environments of accredited educational institutions. Using Spine Education to create commercial products such as apps or games is not allowed.
The purchase page allows you to pay with credit or debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, Diners Club) or Alipay. Unfortunately we cannot accept American Expresss (Amex) or PayPal. Orders over $1,000 USD have the option to pay via a bank wire transfer.
No, purchase orders are not needed when using our automated system.
You can download invoices from your license page. The URL to your license page will be sent to you via email once your Spine purchase is completed. If you have special invoice requirements, please contact us.
You can add additional seats to your license at any time from your license page. The URL to your license page will be sent to you via email once your payment is completed. Additional seats are purchased at a prorated price. For example, if your Spine Enterprise license has 3 out of 12 months left, the cost to add a seat is 3/12=25% of the normal price.
Yes. The floating network license option allows you to install Spine on more computers than you have provisioned seats for. Our licensing system ensures that only the provisioned number of seats can be used concurrently. Please contact us if you would like the floating network license option enabled for your license.
Yes. You can find instructions for silent and remote installation on license page. The URL to your license page will be sent to you via email once your payment is completed.
You can renew your license on your license page, which will extend your current license and keep your same activation code so no changes need to be made to your installations. The URL to your license page will be sent to you via email once your payment is completed. You will be reminded by email 90 days before your license expires.
If you make a new purchase instead of renewing from your license page, then you will receive a new activation code and will need to update your installations with the new code.
Spine Education licenses are valid for one year and can not be cancelled during this period. If you do not renew your license, it will expire automatically, at which point you will not be able to use the Spine editor and Spine Runtimes.
Proba | ESS | PRO ENT EDU |
Physics constraint Dynamic and automatic bone movement using physics simulation. |
Meshes Pretvara pravokutne slike u poligonalne mreže kako bi se smanjila stopa fillratea kada se ne crtaju transparentni pikseli. |
Deformation Animira pojedinačne mrežne vrhove u svrhu deformacije slike koje na taj način omogućuju puno veću fleksibilnost s istom skupinom slika. |
Weights Povezuje mrežaste vrhove s višebrojnim kostima omogućavajući deformacije kada se kosti transformiraju. |
Clipping Ograniči crtanje koristeći poligonalni izrezivanje. |
IK constraint Pričvršćuje vrh lanca kostiju kako bi ostale na mjestu u slučajevima kada se manipulira s nadređenim kostima za lakše pozicioniranje kostura. |
Transform constraint Kopiraj sve ili dio druge kosti koja je transformirana za snažniji rigging. |
Path constraint Omogućava kostima praćenje krivulje za niz efekata. |
Audio Synchronize MP3, OGG, or WAV audio files with your animations |
Open Project Otvori postojeći projekt. |
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Save Project Pohrani postojeći projekt. |
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Export Data Eskportira vaš kostur i animacije u Spine JSON ili binarni format. |
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Export Images Eksportira vašu animaciju ili pojedinačnu sliku u GIF, JPEG ili PNG format. |
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Export Video Eksportira vaše animacije u AVI ili Quicktime video format. |
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Texture Packer Pakira teksture u atlas za učinkovito crtanje u runtimeovima na način da smanjuje vezajuće teksture. Ili na spritsheet za tradicionalnu sprite animaciju. |
Import Data Importira podatke u Spine JSON ili binarni format izravno u Spine. Ovo omogućava Spineu da koristi podatke iz drugih animacijskih alata ukoliko se formati podudaraju. |
Import Project Importira postojeći Spine projekt u vaš trenutni projekt. |
Ghosting Iscrtava kadrove prije i poslije trenutnog kadra tako da se tijek animacije može vidjeti bez potrebe da se vremenski pročišćuje. |
Auto Key Automatski namješta promjene poze kostura za brži tijek rada. |
Bounding boxes Poligoni spojeni na kosti koji su korisni za određivanje dodira, fizike sistema UI i slično. |
Skins Omogućava likovima koji izgledaju potpuno različito da koriste iste kosture i animacije. |
Graph Interpolira između pozicija koristeći linearne, trenutačne ili bezier krivulje za vjerodostojnije animacije. |
Dopesheet Omogućava višestruke poglede vremenskih linija pri animacijskim pozicijama i omogućava da se mijenjaju te precizno ponovno vremenski usklađuju. |
Bone/Image Compensation Zaključava kosti ili slike na mjestu pri transformaciji nadređenih kostiju. |
Posing Brzo postavljanje kostiju s inverznom kinematikom uz pomoć Pose alata. |
Molimo imajte na umu da trenutno nemamo studentske popuste niti posrednike.