Ok Thanks

- 11. ruj. 2015
- Pridružuje se 3. lip. 2014
- U Spine 3?
- U Spine 3?
- Uređeno
- U Spine 3?
Hi, I'm thinking about starting a new Unity project that's going to use spine for animation.
Was wondering if there's a rough ETA on Spine 3? Or if I start using Spine 2, is there anything I should / shouldn't do before Spine 3 is released?
Try: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.OnBecameVisible.html
You'll need a Renderer on the GameObject which will receive these events
*Be aware that running in the Editor will also cause the events to occur from the scene camera
Try setting the MaxSize to 4096 in the Unity texture settings, Unity might be reducing the texture size from its original.
If it is, you may want to scale down your texture sheet manually in Spine
Ok Thanks
- Uređeno
Hi, I'm a little confused about where to grab the latest unity runtime.
I see the official git repo here: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... pine-unity
Also the one by Mitch: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3318is Mitch's version integrated into the official runtime? Is it up to date?
I see a lot of commits by others other than Mitch in the official runtime, just not sure what one is the most current stable version.
Spine and Mecanim! That is seriously awesome.
I thought you might be doing something like that. Nice one
When it arrives, unity 5.0 will support custom behaviour controllers, much like the animator controller for mecanim now.
With a little love, I'm sure someone could write an editor plugin which hooks it all up with Spine.
This is awesome, great work
Thanks Pharan, I'll give that a go. So a skin doesn't need to define all graphics for an entire skeleton?
Pharan wroteBut the alternative (making separate animations just for the hats) is more complicated to implement and animate right now, since the editor doesn't support simultaneous playback for multiple animations yet.
Yeah, I come from a flash background and would solve this problem using a hat movieclip inside the character movieclip.
Hopefully one day...
- Uređeno
Hello, so I was wondering what is the best method to animate a hat attachment (which can change graphic) on top of existing animations?
Say I have these animations: run, walk, jump, punch, kick...
and my character has the ability to wear different hats. Each hat should animate based on the body animation. Say a punch for example, a straw hat might pop off his head then fall back down. But a helmet wouldn't.
How should I go about animating this? Some quick thoughts:
- Animate run, walk, jump, punch, kick for every hat.
- Use skins for hats only, not sure how to create different animations though?
- Animate every hat in every animation and toggle on/off through code.
any ideas? Thanks.