
  • 22. tra. 2022
  • Pridružuje se 6. lis. 2014
  • Hi Seninguyen,

    Thank you for reaching us, we have a character raccoon (see the attached picture)
    we want:

    1). RACCOON HERO ANIMATION (Superman Style) here will be great if you can draw and animate the raccoon standing pose (proud) with a waving cape behind & breathing/shining body - half body - (image ref at the bottom of the message)

    2A) IN ANIM: the raccoon appears with a phone in his left hand pointing with the right one to the phone
    2B) IDLE ANIM: the above raccoon pointing down with the right hand
    2C) OUT ANIM: the above raccoon throw the phone and disappear spinning and to be reduced size from 100% to 0%

    Can you add on him 3D shape effect in Spine?

    How much time do you think will take and how much will cost?

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S: After this job, if we are happy with quality & time we will have a lot of tasks for you!

  • Hi Julio,

    Thank you for reaching us, we have a character raccoon (see the attached picture)
    we want:

    1). RACCOON HERO ANIMATION (Superman Style) here will be great if you can draw and animate the raccoon standing pose (proud) with a waving cape behind & breathing/shining body - half body - (image ref at the bottom of the message)

    2A) IN ANIM: the raccoon appears with a phone in his left hand pointing with the right one to the phone
    2B) IDLE ANIM: the above raccoon pointing down with the right hand
    2C) OUT ANIM: the above raccoon throw the phone and disappear spinning and to be reduced size from 100% to 0%

    Can you add on him 3D shape effect in Spine?

    How much time do you think will take and how much will cost?

    thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    We have a 2D Raccoon character drawn in Illustrator, we need asap a few animations, please don't hesitate to contact us asap...let's make a few bucks :handshake: :handshake: :handshake:

  • Hi Olivia,

    I attached a few images about the bear character in this email, the main characteristic of my character is to be adorable.

    Accessories list:
    -caps, hats: (x12 pieces)
    -glasses, earnings, neck chains: (x12 pieces)
    -t-shirts, blouses, shirts, hoodies, jackets (x20 pieces)
    -pants, shorts: (x10 pieces)
    -shoes: (x10 pieces)

    • and of course some animations!

    Character must to be from front view. it's for mobile devices.
    A similar game you can find here: Happy Bear - Virtual Pet Game

    I will wait with patience your offer 😉

    CoceptArt: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UTRVSlL0XNbiEUUUNUkiXvEXfTP2cN43?usp=sharing


  • Hi Joshua,

    I really like the sample you sent to me, you don't need to send me other samples I realized what you can do 😉

    What I need is:
    -the character to be drawn from scratch (the bear)
    -some accessories attached on it (e.g: hats, watches, pants, t-shirts, shoes etc.)
    -and a few animations (e.g: Idle, Happy, Sad, Waving, Dancing, Pointing etc.)

    Can you handle my requests? If so, please tell me yours (price and time to get this done)
    Thanks in advance!


  • Hi friends, I'm looking for a 2D character, an animated bear for a game, with some skins on it and a few animations, I need the character to be drawn from scratch and to be animated in Spine.
    Please send me your offers and portfolio!

  • Hi I'm using Unity 5.4.2.f1 and latest Spine-Unity runtime, I have problems with submeshes renderers, the Spawn Submeshes button doesn't appear 🙁, screenshot attached.


  • Mitch wrote
    Adiohea wrote

    Can we just delete this thread? I don't even know why I keep checking it.

    Sigh. I suck 🙁 Sorry.

    Hey Mitch, what you gonna do about that :tmi: will you finnish the Equipman?

  • Hello etri,

    If you want to change color for specific attachment color, you can simply by:

    SkeletonAnimation.skeleton.FindSlot("slot name").SetColor(Color.red);

    Let me know if you made it, if you can't figure out I will write a little example for you 😉

  • Yeah Pharan you're right, I'm using Pro Camera 2D in my project, and the Update Type was by default on "Late Update", I changed to Fixed Update and seems to render more fine and smooth. Thanks a lot Pharan!

  • Hi friends,

    I got a very strange shaking on my character animation, and can't figure why 😢 video:

    I need help, any suggestion will be much appreciated :handshake:

    Thanks in advance :beer: !

  • Ok, my mistake 😉

    Thanks for quick reply Pharan!