@AlaNintendo, yeah like Pharan says what you're seeing is just the specular from the standard shader. The shader doen't support specular (yet!) so a better comparison would be to compare it with the 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse' shader which doesn't have specular.
Its something I'll prob add at somepoint, along with a specular map as don't think it makes sense for the whole sprite to be shiny but bits like armour etc would look cool
@Pharan so NeatWolf pointed out a bug with vertex lighting a while ago which meant he had to set the normal to (0,0,1). I fixed it in my github a while ago but not sure if you guys have kept up to date with the shaders in your runtimes?
@alcyongames As Pharan says pixel lighting will always cause overdraw unless you write to depth. Pixel lighting is split into multiple passes for each light. The only way a pass wont draw on top of a previous one is using a depth test. For that to work you need to write to depth (which means a hard alpha edge).
If you're art style has hard edges anyways that's not a problem, use pixel lighting just turn on write to depth.
If it doesn't (ie you've got faded edges) then use vertex lighting and increase the number of verts used in your spine animation (ie use mesh attachments instead of just quads) to make it more accurate.
With a decent number of verts you'll struggle to notice the difference between vertex and pixel lighting most of the time, and vertex lighting is faster (though increased number of verts is slightly more CPU intensive, vertex lighting is less GPU intensive).