• Editor
  • New feature: Hide unnecessary bones each animation ?

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Hi everyone 🙂

As you can see, I have a lot of bones, it's hard to manage in a variety of animations and looks confusing.

I know it's possible to hide each bone but it's not good for my case, because I have a lot of bones.

So I request a new feature: a button that allows to hide the no-key bones in each animation :happy:

P/s: Sr for my bad english, thank you! 🙂

I think you could make it less confusing by assigning distincive colors to groups of bones.
Another thing you could do to improve readability is, since I see the bone chains are constrained, simply hide them, you don't directly manipulate them, but manipulate the controllers anyway, don't you?(:
What are the point bones in the bottom? particles?

Regarding your question, you can easily hide the bones you select by pressing h and you can also store selections of bones (or vertexes, images, or almost anything in Spine) by pressing ctrl+1 (or any number from 0 to 9) and then you can recall the selection by pressing the number, making the activation and deactivation of bones very quick (press 1 and then h)

I don't know if a button to hide all the unused bones could be the best thing to do, (maybe it hides bones you were about to key, so then you have to get mad searching for them?) but I've opened a request: Hide unkeyed bones to reduce clutter · #292 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor

CTRL+B also toggles visibility of non-hidden bones.

I can agree that there should be some way to hide the bones you don't need.
Like if you were able to select a bone and all of its children, that might help.

Or if you could easily select bones that are constrainted by a PathConstraint, you could hide those easier. Or maybe bones on a Path Constraint and chain should have a less conspicuous representation. Or lowered opacity by default.

Thank Erikari and Pharan for your answers :yes: I hope in the future will have similar features.

@Erikari: Yep, these are the particles that make the stones move as you will see below 🙂

P/s: Have a good day for you

Multiple skeletons using skeletons as attachments is the best answer, but we don't yet have skeleton attachments. For that specific effect (which is super cool BTW!), much of it could be a separate skeleton drawn on top of the main skeleton, which would remove many bones only used for effects.

A hotkey to hide unkeyed bones could be OK, though I worry it would hide too much. Selection groups and H as Erikari mentioned may help. Note you can right click the visibility dot for a bone to toggle visibility for that bone and all children.

First of all, very cool effect you have there!

As an addition to Nate and Erikas answers, I'd also like to mention that we plan to have a view for selection sets in the future.

6 mjeseci kasnije

Visibility sets or some way to hide parent bones without hiding children would be really handy. Some cases colour coding etc wont work if the bones are all in the same x-y (like a ui element as below)