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  • Key all objects.

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Hi. I have 3.5.46 Pro.
And i want key ALL objects in 0-1 frame and last frame:
transformation, visibility, deformation and all other what possible to keying. ( because Unity need it).

But hotkey ctrl+shift+L doesn't work.
Maybe i can change hotkeys for that? It's not fun to manually keying 100+ objects and it's visibility in hierarchy.

How i can key pose? FULLY.
Because is i have not keys for something in first and last frames- in Unity it will break other animations, which use this objects.

In the latest 3.5 runtimes, keying everything is no longer necessary.
But even before 3.5, keying everything is highly inefficient and will not only make your dopesheet messy, it can slow down your game if you have enough bones/slots/skeletons.

But in short, Spine also has no shortcut to "key everything".
As it is both not necessary and not recommended, we don't think we should encourage it by having a hotkey for it.

Can you show examples where it is broken?

2 godine kasnije

I know I'm bumping a very old thread, but I'd like to check that this is still the situation.

It would be very helpful to me to key my whole hierarchy at any given frame. I frequently copy all the keys from one frame (frame A) to another (frame B) as a way to stop everything from tweening between A and B without having to review the whole hierarchy carefully. This is typically because I am about to begin a new motion starting from frame B, and I don't want any of the keys I'll create in this new motion to cause tweening from frame A.

I can easily copy frame A's keys to frame B with column selector in the dopesheet. But many times I have to go back to frames before frame A that affect the state at frame A and find their keys to copy to frame B as well. So a way to just copy the state at frame A that includes affecting keys from prior frames would make my work more efficient.

You can do this with the Key Dopesheet hotkey, which is ctrl+shift+L by default. This keys all the visible rows of the dopesheet. In other words, it keys all timelines that already have keys, if they are currently shown in the dopesheet. To get all timelines to be shown in the dopesheet you can disable the dopesheet lock and select nothing (spacebar), and also disable any dopesheet filters (right clicking the dopesheet filter button toggles it on/off).

That works!

To elaborate a bit, I go to frame A, Key Dope Sheet, select the frame column, copy, go to frame B, paste. This is much easier than going further back in the timeline to find and copy over keys that are contributing tweens.

The downside is that it would add extra keys to my dopesheet that may not be needed (as described by Pharan). But for my workflow, the tradeoff is worth it.

And then I thought... there should be a way to clean up the unneeded keys at some point later. And in fact, there already is: Animation clean up

It is a nice thing about mature software like Spine that most things you want are already there.

Thanks, Nate.

Ah, I meant to mention animation clean up but forgot while typing my post!

Note you can hold ctrl+shift (cmd+shift on Mac), then drag keys to make a copy of those keys. Copying keys is very common and this saves a tiny bit of time.

Nate wrote

Ah, I meant to mention animation clean up but forgot while typing my post!

Note you can hold ctrl+shift (cmd+shift on Mac), then drag keys to make a copy of those keys. Copying keys is very common and this saves a tiny bit of time.

Awesome! I've been looking for that shortcut.

Note: you can let go of SHIFT once the keys have been copied, but keep holding CTRL, to make sure the copied keys will land on full frames 🙂

@Shiu, I believe that has been improved, so holding shift+ctrl won't let you go between frames like holding just shift.

haha, and I still do it out of habit :o