• Editor
  • Spine 3.6 beta is available

Related Discussions

badlogic, There was a thread in the cocos2d-x forums about stencil clipping being a problem and not being able to do easy batch rendering. I mentioned there that you guys are also struggling with it and improvements might be needed. Maybe nite from the cocos2d-x forums (or another cocos2d-x dev can help you guys with the stencil batching, or even fix it in cocos2d-x, so you'll have an easier live implementing it:


@LegioXV it will take some time, as starling doesn't support clipping in hardware at all. We'll need a software solution for this, which is a bit tougher to implement.

@framusrock I'll follow up with the cocos2dx guys. The path of least resistance for all runtimes is definitely software clipping, and I favor that at the moment.

Any news on when the update will be live?

We expect to have some runtimes supporting clipping (eg starting with libgdx) in a couple weeks, but can't make promises.

mjesec kasnije

Any updates on when the new version will be live?

We are still working on it. Check out the waffle for progress and things that have been done. You can filter by the 3.6 milestone to see open issues for that release.

11 dana kasnije
11 dana kasnije

Its great to have this.

Spine 3.6.15-beta is up! It adds weight painting, video with alpha export, new dialogs, and more. Also check out a preview of Shiu's new example animation:

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After updating to beta I find out some veird issue.
All slots in Animate tinted blue with transparent alpha

In my situation all slots in Setup should be with "alpha 0". That's requirement from our developers.
In Animate in 0 frame for all needed slots manualy sets up "alpha 255".
So that's maybe the reason but it's strange anyway.

Strange, we haven't seen that. Can you please send a version of your .spine file that has not been saved with the beta? contact@esotericsoftware.com

We received your project, thanks! We've fixed the problem in 3.6.16-beta. Sorry for the trouble!

19 dana kasnije

this is the problem .... i gave 1% weight to a particular set of mesh points and when i move the bone the mesh goes crazy and weird ....
similar thing happened with another mesh but it was totally opposite ..... even if i gave 100% weight the mesh points didn't move single pixel .....

Shiv, better to start a new thread about your problem so it doesn't get lost here. Can you post a .spine file showing the problem?

6 dana kasnije

3.6 Release Date? Soon or still months of development?

Real soon now.