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We have access to texturepacker and wonder how it all works with unity. How does spine know which cell on the sprite sheet to reference, and how does the playback library (in this case unity) know the uv coordinates?

I'm a little confused since spine apparently only loads individual images and not an atlas.

Spine loads an atlas in the libgdx format, which Texture Packer Pro can output.

Oh great, so I export from texturepacker, 1xatlas and 1xlibgdx file, and spine will pick these up and allow me to choose images from it somehow? or does it need the source pngs available?

And will this work (1x atlas, 1xlibgdx file) in unity with spine? sounds great.

The Spine editor always uses individual images. The Spine runtime for Unity uses the atlas.


Final question - when using atlas and changing an image on a spine (say foot image like in your video), will it regenerate the mesh or is this a high performance thing to do? I ask because we're kinda intending to do it a whole lot.

It should perform very well.