• Editor
  • Transfer bones from a skeleton to another

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Hey folks,

I ended up in a bad situation where I need to transfer bones from a skeleton to another. Apparently the editor doesn't allow this (when drag&dropping the bones, at least).

Is there a hacky way to do it ? (edit the file, or else ?)
Is this feature planned in the future ?


Thanks for the answer !

Pharan wrote

I think @Nate says yes (Copy/Move bones from one skeleton to another · Issue #72 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor · GitHub) regarding it being a feature in the future.

Wow that's some great news! I remember having the same issue a year ago and we had the coders do some hacking in the json export file to transfer the animations from one skeleton to another (they were different characters with different skeletons, and it was such a bad idea in the end...), so thanks for planning the feature, I'm so happy!

22 dana kasnije

I have this issue too. Copy bones, copy animations and so on between skeletons - it would be great)

it must have!

mjesec kasnije

Did just that, saved me some time!

Hi guys, I have an issue while transferring bones and other stuff from one skeleton to another: if the target skeleton has meshes they just become screwed up. How to reproduce the bug (Version
1) Export.skeleton with a mesh as json;
2) Modify bones list (e.g. add a bone);
3) Save and reimport as new skeleton.

Does anyone have the same issue?

8 dana kasnije
MKote wrote

I have this issue too. Copy bones, copy animations and so on between skeletons - it would be great)

+1 this. This would speed up my workflow tremendously. Also, not just one at a time but the ability to select multiple bones/anims.

I noticed recently that mesh deform animations can be copied now for meshes that have the same verts and so on - this is AWESOME! I've had to do some real messing around editing json in the past so I'm very grateful for this feature.

Now to further enhance this it would be great if rather than going through the same 'import project' 'import animation' x10 each time I edit an animation in one project, I could instead just import the other skeleton and copy paste multiple bones/animations between them! I don't think any more UI is really required for this? Just the ability to copy/paste what you can already do within a single skeleton across multiple?

8 mjeseci kasnije

HEY GUYS! I have my skeleton here and now i have to put clothes on them so basically im going to create a bone set for the clothing.
is there anyway i can COPY this cloth bone set and transfer it to another spine file that as same bone count, name, proportion (actually its a duplicate but i also have to put clothes on it)

Why not making a new skin? and does the clothing need extra bones or since the bones are the same are you duplicating them for different reasons?

hello, well this is what is going on.
i made two bodies boy and girl... separated them because i put girls clothes on girls and boys clothes on boys... animated them separately cuz their clothing requires different animation frames...
then suddenly, client wants the clothes to be used by both genders...
i made skins for each, now my problem is my programmer needs to have ONE BASE. what im doing now is that i just to have my girls clothes bone set to be put on boys skeleton since the boy skeleton is my MAIN ONE. IS THERE ANYWAY I CAN PUT THE WHOLE BONE SET TO BE PUT INTO DIFFERENT FILES?

You can export a json and then reimport the animations into the other skeleton.
You then import the same images in the other skeleton and if you don't have meshes this should be able to solve it.

Shiu wrote

You can do this by going to the main menu, click Import Project and select Animation. Then choose which skeleton and animation you want to import from and to.

With your skeletons being the exact same you should not run into any problems.

I hope this helps.

By the way did you know that using caps lock equals to screaming on the internet? (;

thanks for the reply Erikari, im sorry for the use of capslock. i was using it for my file naming, accidentally typed it here. ahahaha.