• Editor
  • Some basic feature requests and sample animations.

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Hello! I've been using spine for a while now. It's really good!
Here's what I'm working on at the moment.

So there are three things that I really think would be easy to implement and extremely useful.

1. Easy Frame by frame animation. Why?

  1. * It's pretty tedious to switch attachment manually.

    • It's even more tedious when you use weighted meshes, where you have to use linked meshes.
    • You have to base your animations length on a length divisible by the length of the frame by frame animation.
      ( with a frame animation length of 15 you can make animations that are 15, 30, or 45 and so on.)
    • Switching animations would blend if the frame by frame animation where put outside the normal animation loop

Proposed solution.
It would be perfect if you could just make a "Sequence Attachment", which could be opened in the tree menu and where all the frames could be placed. Behind the scenes, spine would just switch the UVs around and all the frames would automatically use the same mesh. (It would save me a lot of time on the hair on the first character in the video which is a bunch of linked meshes)

2. Enable all types of selection in the tree
For me, at least, this a no brainer. I often disable image selection, so I don't accidentally move images around. And I think that's the whole purpose of the function, which works great. But it doesn't make sense to me that the same thing applies to the tree menu, where you never have those accidents. For me this behaviour makes me spend a lot of time switching selection mode unnecessarily.
An example where this gets annoying:
I'm trying to make a good weighted mesh.
So I go into animation mode, rotate some bones to test the mesh.
Then try to select the image to change weights -> it doesn't work -> switch selection mode -> change some weights -> accidentally moves image instead of bone when testing further -> switches selection mode -> move bones -> switches selection mode to select image... and so forth.

3. Possibility to have Tools on left side
For me, this is another thing that makes perfect sense to me. Most people use spine to animate characters and characters are almost always more tall than they are wide, so I have a lot of unused UI-space on the sides of the character and always too little on the vertical axis. On my 15 inch retina macbook this is actually a pretty big problem where the solution is simple.

I hope all this makes sense. :happy:

Thanks for the detailed description!

  1. This is actually a thing. https://trello.com/c/AfvWxPaL
    Not implemented yet though the original idea was much different.

Your request, a (weighted) mesh backed by animated frames, sounds awesome. I want 10 of those.

2 and 3 kinda make sense to me.

1) This was planned for the very first version of Spine, but kept getting pushed in favor of other features. I agree, we definitely should make it easier to work with frame by frame animation!

2) I think you're trying to say that selecting an image in the tree should select the image in the editor area? That seems quite reasonable, I like it! This change actually has a chance to cause problems, as selection in Spine is a lot more complicated that it may seem and a lot of code relies on it. We'll give it a whirl in v3.1.05.

3) I'll see what we can do, if it isn't too much work maybe it can jump the queue.

  1. That's good to hear!

  2. Yes, that the selection in the hierarchy-tree should not be affected by what is- and what is not enabled in the "options" toolbar.

  3. That would be awesome!


#2 and #3 are in 3.1.05, available now. :clap: I really like how the features turned out!

Spine is quite usable even on tiny screens now:

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This is so useful! Great!
2# is such a subtle thing, but it really makes working in spine a smoother experience.