• Editor
  • Attach bone to image hotkey gone missing

When creating a bone, I used to be able to hold shift to have the image below attach to it. At some upgrade point I seemed to have lost this. I've looked through the hotkey list, but can't see an obvious one for it.
Does anyone know how to get this back? It was a nice time saver.


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Nate changed the behavior.

Here's what you have to do now:
(1) Select the Create tool.
(2) Select a Parent Bone.
(3) CTRL + Left Click on images you want to bind.
(4) Create the new bone normally. (by clicking or dragging)

This will move the image (and slot) you selected to your new bone.
Sorry, I couldn't find the thread where they announced this change.

5 dana kasnije

Oh cool ok, thanks Pharan.

6 mjeseci kasnije

I did a game using a Spine less than a year ago. Come back and something as simple as attaching bones to images changed keys. PLEASE DONT DO THIS. There is nothing more annoying than relearning hotkeys and short-cuts. If Adobe did that in Photoshop, they'd have every digital artist holding knives to their throat.

I can't believe I had to scour the forum to find this completely annoying change. Thanks.

Love Spine btw. 🙂

Edit: Wow, this is way less intuitive. I can't even tell if it's working.

Edit edit: Ok, I calmed down. It's working now and I can see it's advantages. Still, please stay away from changing hotkeys.

A Spaz-Out Artist

I had this conversation with myself too. Resistance is futile, but necessary.