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Spine Export Atlas Order
I recently exported my animation from spine into a PNG Atlas and found that I have no idea what order it threw them in. I would think it would go left->right, top->bottom. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case. When trying to create an animation in Unity it takes me a ton of time trying to figure out if that's the 2nd or the 3rd or the 17th frame in the animation. Is there any logic to how this is done or is it totally random? Is there anyway to make this easier on myself? :bang:
Just to clarify, can you tell us the steps you take for exporting your PNG atlas and what exactly happens in Unity? I was working on something related a couple of weeks back and did notice some inconsistency, just want to make sure it's related.
I'm just doing EXPORT > PNG. I choose the "Atlas" option. When it exports it, it throws all the steps of my animation in a large atlas image but in a seemingly random order.
So then in Unity I go to create an animation from those images I have to place them in the correct order which is very difficult. The jump animation for instance is fairly similar looking on the way up as it is on the way down. If I chose the wrong one though, it results in a choppy animation.
I'd prefer to go with the SpineAnimation object in Unity but it doesn't seem to place nice with the 2D sorting layers/order. My animation ends up getting played behind the backgrounds on the Z axis. Have you heard of this issue?
An atlas packs the images as tightly as possible. Choose Grid
under Packing
in the texture packer settings.
For the sorting, I think there is an easy way to put your Spine skeleton in a sorting layer. Try searching the forum.