• Editor
  • Delete vertexes to make inner edges as border edges

Hi there,

I'm struggling with deleting vertices in a specific way, so it makes a cut in the border and repaths the border edge with existing inner vertices.

For example if I have a square mesh, if I delete the vertex on the edge, it still has the border between square corners directly, and I want to cut the border actually and repath it with closest vertices that were inside the square.

Any advice? Thanks!

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    To achieve the effect of repathing the border edge with existing inner vertices after deleting a vertex on the edge, you can manually adjust the mesh. When you delete a vertex, the mesh will automatically try to maintain its shape by connecting the remaining vertices. To guide this process, you can manually create edges between the inner vertices and the new border vertices. Here's how you can do it:

    1. Delete the Edge Vertex: First, delete the vertex on the edge that you want to remove. This will cause the mesh to automatically connect the remaining vertices.

    2. Manually Create New Edges: Use the mesh editing tools to manually create new edges between the inner vertices and the new border vertices. You can do this by clicking and dragging from one vertex to another to create an edge, as mentioned in the context about mesh editing.

    3. Adjust the Mesh: After creating the new edges, you may need to adjust the positions of the vertices to ensure the mesh maintains the desired shape.

    This process involves some manual work, but it allows you to have precise control over how the mesh is restructured after deleting a vertex.

    SamTyurenkov I'm afraid I couldn't tell from the text exactly what situation you're having trouble with. Could you please describe the behavior you are having trouble with in some screenshots or videos?

    SamTyurenkov Make sure to create manual edges, without them, it may be impossible to delete some vertices.
    If doing this also doesn't work, please post an example of what you are trying.