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  • 无法安装


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    1. 确保你有写入权限。可以尝试右键点击安装程序,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”。
    2. 如果你使用的是Mac系统,请确保你下载的是最新的安装程序,并且不是使用非常旧的安装程序。
    3. 如果以上方法都无效,请访问Spine故障排除页面获取更多解决方案。


    guilcst Some antivirus or anti-malware software, such as Bit Defender, 360 Browser, or Comodo, may modify or delete Spine's files. This can cause Spine to fail to run completely, or fail at a later point. You'll need to disable such software or safelist Spine's folders. Spine's folders are:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine\ (or the folder where you installed Spine)
    %UserProfile%\Spine or <user home folder>\Spine

    Some antivirus software, such as Comodo, rudely continues to interfere with other programs running on your computer even after disabling it. If safelisting Spine or disabling the antivirus software doesn't work, the only solution may be to uninstall the misbehaving software.

    There is not much we can do about this issue, but if you tell us the name of the anti-virus software you are using we may be able to point you to past cases of other users using it.