I am using same skeleton with skins as player party. It does not really works in runtime. Strange thing, that it is the same skeleton 4 times. And in some instances everything is rendered correctly, but in different instances using same skeleton with same skin some parts are just missing. What could be the reason. I have reimported it a couple of times, reset etc. But no effect!

Can I somehow debug render in Spine Runtime to get a clear point why some attachment is just not drawn? Or maybe you have already expirienced such or similar problems and could have idea what is typically the root cause.

    Related Discussions

    Maltakreuz It's hard to tell from this screenshot alone, but the simplest possibility I can think of is that you didn't add the torso skin correctly when you combined the skins. You are probably displaying that character in a combination of multiple skins, right? Could you show us the code you are using to combine and set the skins?

    Maltakreuz Or maybe you have already expirienced such or similar problems and could have idea what is typically the root cause.

    Just a quick shot in the dark, in case it helps: Did you perhaps miss to add the default skin when combining skins?

    mjesec kasnije

    Yes, i have found an animator and he just removed some attachments in some skins. It was team miscommunication, not some technical problem I have toughts. There is no attachments in runtime because they are just removed 🙂 To work on indie game alone saves from such problems, but is too long.

    And the reason why one lioness has body at start and another of same skin not, because lioness is default skin, so it depends what was set on start or set after it. But in nutshell just missing attachments at some skins. Nothing spectatular.

      Maltakreuz I am glad you have found the cause. Thank you for getting back to us!