Use our new shell scripts to export all your projects at once! The scripts search for .spine project files and export each project found. Each project can use different export settings by placing an export settings file next to the project file.

Using a script to export has many advantages:

  • Export any number of project files all at once.
  • Your exports always use the correct settings. No need to rely on animators to use the right settings each time.
  • Your software's build process can run the export scripts, ensuring every build always has the latest exports. Animators don't need to remember to perform exports after every change to the project files.
  • When updating to a newer Spine version, all your projects must be exported again. When you have export scripts setup, this is very easy!

Here's a video showing how to use the scripts, or keep reading for textual step-by-step instructions:

For more information, please see the following blog post:
Blog: New export shell scripts

11 dana kasnije

Hello. The question arose: export for different sizes of characters is necessary. Thus, we change the root bone and compression of images.

Can I use .export.json to resize the root bone for export?

    skaen Unfortunately, it is not possible to resize bones in a Spine project from the export script. (This is not possible even if you modify the script.)
    So it may be better to just scale down the texture and display the skeleton at runtime at a size appropriate for the scaled-down texture.

    skaen If you are exporting images/video, there's no need to change the root bone scale before export. Instead, set the export scale to output smaller or larger images/video.

    If you are exporting skeleton data, there's also no need to change the root bone scale before export. Instead, set the root bone scale at runtime after the data is loaded.

      Nate What do you mean by "root bone scale at runtime"? Take Unity, for example. Should I resize prefabs after exporting?

        skaen Yes, resizing the prefabs would work, but in the case of spine-unity, there is a more convenient way to adjust the size of your skeleton. If you change the Scale property of the SkeletonDataAsset, you can adjust the scale when it is instantiated so that the skeleton can be displayed at the correct size if the GameObject's scale is X:1 Y:1 Z:1.
        The convenience of spine-unity is that you can change the Default SkeletonData Scale in the Spine section of Unity's Preferences window. This ensures that when your skeleton data is imported into Unity and the SkeletonDataAsset is created, this scale value is automatically applied.

        For example, the default value for the SkeletonDataAsset Scale property is 0.01, but if you want to display the skeleton as if you set the root bone's X/Y scale to 0.5, set it to 0.005 and it should be the size you expect.

        skaen I understood you set the scale of the root bone before exporting. Instead, you can set the scale of the root bone at runtime. See:

        Changing the root bone scale can have problems if you disable scale inheritance on some of your bones. Misaki's suggestion to scale the data at runtime when it is loaded is generally a better solution.

        10 mjeseci kasnije
        Erika odljepljuje raspravu.