Thanks, a quick follow up question, is there anything in the latest Photoshop-to-Spine script that helps with this? I'm sure I'm a few versions out of date on that one having made a couple of changes to suit my project.
I can see how the texture packer helps generate the same packed maps now, but the Spine exporter Adobescript for Photoshop that I've been using flattens all the groups and exports them to one place, by default an ./images/ folder. But if there's a Normal version and an Emission version and others, they ought not be treated in the same way like any of the albedo skins images, but probably end up in their own /images/ folders, ready for the Spine texture packer.
As you can imagine, you probably wouldn't want to this manually on every export from Photoshop, copy-pasting files here and there, but would rather script it.
I can see how I could alter the Adobescript to read the names of Groups to tell which normal/emission images could go where, or even a post-process Python script to move files around and send them to the texture packer... but I wouldn't be surprised if something of this nature is already in the latest version of the Spine exporter?