- Uređeno
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. Could you please post the full spine.log file? When the system of this forum detects an attached spine.log file, the license information line is automatically hidden.
Misaki wrote我很遗憾听到你遇到了麻烦。能否请你贴出完整的spine.log文件?当本论坛的系统检测到一个附加的spine.log文件时,许可证信息行会自动隐藏。
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. Could you please post the full spine.log file? When the system of this forum detects an attached spine.log file, the license information line is automatically hidden.
很抱歉让你等待答复,我们已经检查了spine.log,但我们无法明确原因。你能通过电子邮件发送实际的Spine项目吗? : contact@esotericsoftware.com
Sorry to keep you waiting for a reply, we have checked the spine.log but we were not able to specify the cause. Could you please send the actual Spine project via email? : contact@esotericsoftware.com
It looks like a bug in the 3.6 editor, sorry. 3.6 is very old, too old for us to publish a bug fix. I think 3.6 and 3.7 are very similar, you could try exporting with 3.7 and see if that will work with your 3.6 runtimes (or you could update your runtimes to 3.7).