• Editor
  • Linked Meshes - different texture not packing

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Currently having an issue where linked meshes with different textures aren't being exported in the texture packer.
It will only export the first meshes's texture used.

For context:
Linked meshes around the eyes that have different makeup skins and eyelash styles. They all deform and behave exactly the same way but only exports the first skin I have.

Since this is a mobile game, exporting all of these attachments individually are out of the question, since per character I already have over a dozen texture atlasses for all the different customisation elements. But then unlinking them is also a bit yikes since there will be dozens of skin options used across a dozen of animation states.

Update: Even using new & duplicated meshes seems to break texture UVS 🙁

:think: Would love to hear if anyone's come up with any solutions for this, or knows any packing tools or tricks.

How are you running the texture packer? Can you provide a project file and images so we can do the packing and see some images not being packed?

I put a rough example (for NDA reasons) of the project I'm working on attached I appreciate ya taking a look 😃

But essentially I'm having over dozens of these lashes/makeups options

  • Using linked meshes doesn't allow me to export anything but the first ref image.
  • Duplicating a mesh still has this problem for me. Even if it exports it into the texture It shows the other first image in unity. With is a huge pain because it means I have individually animate them I can't use duplicate as a means of copying or updating animations around.
    -Eyelashes (using duplicated mesh) everything else using linked.

Thanks! This turned out to be a bug in Spine when Alias is checked and whitespace stripping is used. It has been fixed in 4.0.17, available soon. Until then you can uncheck Alias. Cheers! :beer:

😮! Just got the update so it works. Incredible XD
Thank you for letting me know! The timing is a blessing from above :heart: