这会奏效。 对绩效的影响可能会微不足道。 实际上,可见性检查本身可能比仅仅向GPU提交几何体更昂贵。
我试图弄清楚为什么这种可见性检查无法正常工作。 但是我不能像上面的截图那样让它失败。 如果您可以修改spine-cocos2d-objc示例来重现该问题,我将非常感激。
This will work. The impact on performance will likely be neglible. In fact, the visibility check itself might be more costly than just submitting the geometry to the GPU.
I'm trying to figure out why this visibility check doesn't work correctly. But I can't make it fail like in your screenshot above. If you can modify the spine-cocos2d-objc example to reproduce the issue I'd be much obliged.