Hi, I want you to know that I am a very very very very beginner. I just downloaded the spine. But there is a problem, According to youtube video tutorial, when I create a photoshop json file, I can select 'make skin file'. However, in my case the option is not displayed. How can I create a skin file? I need some help. thank you! :grinteeth:
how can I make skin?
- Uređeno
In order to add skins to your export, you need to add the [skin]
tag to the folders that enclose parts that you want to be in a skin.
You can find detailed information about the script usage here: spine-scripts/photoshop at master · EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts
as well as by clicking the Help
button in the lower corner of the script.
If you have doubts try to play with the example files that can be downloaded in the video description and see the result in Spine.