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  • How to Create Mirrored Effect?

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Hi all,
So I want to put a little pizzazz into the image below, and I want each of the four "splash" triangles at the corners to have the same behavior, changing translation values, scale values, alpha values, and possibly rotation in a mirrored fashion.

I may even end up adding more than four, so having a quick and easy way of doing this would be helpful. After doing a little bit of searching around the forums I'm getting the impression I just have to manually set up each individual bone for each keyframe. Is this correct, or is there a way to mirror them across different axis so that changing one will affect all of them?

Easy! Create a parent bone and then tack one of your little ticks and animate it. You can then just duplicate that parent bone for each tick you want and flip the scale (change it to negative -1 on the x, y or both).

Very good advice Puppy!

Another option that extends Puppy's idea is to parent the bone to a pivot, then make multiple copies of the parent bone, then for each of them select the child bone and create a transform constraint (to mimic rotation, scale, translation) and check local.
The result is that if you move the green bone, the others will do mirrored movements.

Puppy knows all the tricks.

I don't get how you manage the local transform... I ran countless tests, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't and I can't understand what the deal breaker is :S

Ah I see, thanks for the great info. I've got it so as I change one of the child bones, the other three mirror the transforms perfectly. However, now I've noticed that if I make a change to the transform of the parent bone, I must manually change all four parents. Changing the translation of the parent bone is useful for moving the local origin point of each child, so I can easily change the orientation of all keys in the animation at once. Is there a way to accomplish this mirroring on a parent level as well? I've tried creating a "grandparent" bone for each and created a similar transform constraint for the parents, but then this seemed to ignore the child transform constraint behavior.

Fainder wrote

I don't get how you manage the local transform... I ran countless tests, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't and I can't understand what the deal breaker is :S

There's a window called "Axes" where you select if you want the orientation for a bone to be Local, Parent, or World. If you set the bone to point at a diagonal angle you should be able to see the X and Y red and green arrows changing orientation as you click Local or World. If you're doing a local transform as a constraint, make sure the "Local" box is checked and that the Mixer values are set to 100%.