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Multi Directional Character
Hey guys,
Loving Spine so far, but I was wondering if someone could tell me a potentially more efficient way of accomplishing multi-directional characters.
My current setup is utilizing two skeletons, each with two different skins.
Skeleton 1, Skin 1:
Skeleton 1, Skin 2:
Skeleton 2, Skin 1:
Skeleton 2, Skin 2:
I am using two skeletons because when I tried to put them all into one, I had to drag the images/meshes back into place and many of them would offset in strange ways; is that just part of the expected setup? Looking at all of them together now, I can see how technically one skeleton could work.
Thanks in advance!
HI Pat, regarding multidirectional characters and combining them all in one skeleton, we just finished a session of rigging and animating an 8-directional character too, here's video n° 3 where the rigging in Spine begins and there's also an explanation of the logic behind it:
Complete playlist: Spine Twitch Streams - YouTube
Basically you wouldn't want to use Skins to define the directions, but you'd want to make a template animation with the character turnaround to use as base for the other animations. Skins are for when the character changes dress/appearance, not direction.
If you manage to draw your character in the various poses with similar/very neutral positions then it shouldn't be too hard to combine them all into one. Your character seems very promising in this sense (:
Regarding your question of why some meshes deform/offset when you drag them from one skeleton to the other, it might be caused by some bones having the same name they were parented/bound to. You'd want to remove the binding they had, move them to the new skeleton and then redo the binding if this is the case.
Nice!! Thanks for the tips- great stream! Love the art and animation btw (: