The script is baking pairs of layers together again. I've already emailed you ( a psd and the script file I'm using and it has happened in two more files since. =(
PS script baking layers together again
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Hi Booboogaga,
I re-downloaded and tested the new script on your psd file, and it doesn't present the problem anymore on my side.
(in the past the older script was merging the eyelashes on the same file when I exported the assets too)
The issue related to your problem was recently solved: Photoshop script merges two layers into one on export · #300 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
You may want to re-download the script and replace the older one with this: GitHub - EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts: Scripts to export from PhotoShop and other tools to Spine's JSON data format.
I expected it to update automatically for some reason.
I know, Spine does it so it becomes expected haha. unfortunately this script is in the Photoshop folder so it can't XD