• Editor
  • How to "Draw Order" while using a single image

Recently I have studying ways to keep the character as organic as possible. Therefore recently I have considering applying a single image to a humanoid body. I believe the distortions get more realistic, and also gives it a nice style. But there is a bump on this road, the draw order.

In the given image, the order can be fixed using the order of the bone in the weights tab.
But, when adding an item in the character, in that case in a different image slot, that must be ordered by the Draw Order, it might be a problem rendering things that should appear first than others.

For example: a human torso that is in a single image with a T-shirt in a different slot.
How can we make sure that the front art will be in the front of the T-shirt. The only solution I came up with, was of course Clipping Mask. I am not sure if it is the best one, considering different characters could have different shapes. And the T-shirt being just an example, stating to set it all to one peace wouldn't work for other item types.

If someone had this done and could share the experience would be great.

Thank you.

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Hi decoamorim,
if you wish to have the body and arm in a single image, then the t-shirt as a separate image to place in the middle between them, you can't.
A workaround is to create a copy of the body mesh and remove the points that show the body to only show the arm. It is basically like a clipping mask, but with the advantage that you can have multiple of those and not just one per skeleton.