Spine radionice

Rezervirajte on-site ili web-base radionicu koju vode vrhunski animatori Ecoteric Softwarea kako biste pokrenuli svoj tim, naučili napredne Spine tehnike ili dobili pomoć u zahtjevima koji su specifični za vašu tvrtku ili proizvod.

Spine radionice kombiniraju teorijsko znanje preneseno u praksu. Polaznici se uče kako koristiti mnoge alate koje Spine osigurava, tehnike kako efikasno stvoriti visoko kvalitetne animacije i suočavaju se s vježbama koje utvrđuju njihovo znanje.

Radionice su dostupne na engleskom, talijanskom i danskom jeziku.


Cijena radionice je $90 USD po web seminaru ili $200 USD po on-site lekciji. Za radionice webinara može se zatražiti dodatna fiksna naknada od $15 USD za pokrivanje troškova softvera za video konferencije. Za on-site radionice, dodatno se naplaćuju letovi i troškovi hotela. Letovi i troškovi hotela ovise o vašoj lokaciji i broju dana koji potrebnim za boravak instruktora. Nakon zaprimanja zahtjeva za radionicu, poslat ćemo vam ponudu s ukupnim troškovima radionice.


Svaki modul se sastoji od jedne ili više jedinica u trajanju od 45 minuta, s pauzama od 10 minuta izmedju jedinica. Kliknite plus koji se nalazi ispod za module koje želite u svojoj radionici, i zatim koristite formular na dnu kako biste nam poslali zahtjev za radionicom.


  • Laptop ili računalo koji podržava rad Spinea za evakog korisnika (Spine licene će biti osigurane za vrijeme trajanja radionice)
  • Širokopojasna internet veza za svakog polaznika
  • Slušalice i mikrofon za svakog sudionika
  • On-site:
    • Prostorija za vrijeme trajanja radionice koja je može udobno ugostiti sve sudionike.
    • Projektor, minimalna rezolucija 1920x1080, HDMI input
  • Maksimum od 20 polaznika je preporučen za radionicu


Odaberite glavni modul na temelju razine znanja polaznika. Ovi uvodni moduli pokrivaju opće Spine značajke. Kako biste proširili radionicu, u nastavku se mogu dodati napredni moduli.

Za grupe od 10 ili više, preporučuje se dvodnevni početni modul bez obzira na ukupnu razinu znanja. To osigurava dovoljno vremena za instruktora da pregleda vježbe svakog sudionika.


Beginner Level

Ovaj dvodnevni modul predstavlja 2D skeletnu animaciju i podučava osnove korištenja Spine-a. Iako je svako iskustvo s animacijom korisno, sudionicima nije potrebno prethodno iskustvo s skeletnom animacijom.

Temporal Slots
9:00 - 9:45Presentation of Spine
The layout of Spine
The workflow of Spine
Slots and images
10:00 - 10:45
11:00 - 11:45
Exporting from Photoshop
Importing into Spine
12:00 - 12:45
Animation basics
13:00 - 13:45
Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45
Setting up a character from scratch
15:00 - 15:45
16:00 - 16:45
Basic animation with the new character
End of day recap and questions
17:00 - 17:45
Temporal Slots
9:00 - 9:45Meshes
10:00 - 10:45
11:00 - 11:45
IK constraints
12:00 - 12:45
Transform constraints
13:00 - 13:45
Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45
Paths and path constraints
15:00 - 15:45Setting up meshes on a character
16:00 - 16:45
17:00 - 17:45
Setting up weights on Raptor
End of day recap and questions


Intermediate Level

Ovaj jednodnevni modul predstavlja glavne Spine značajke za sudionike koji već imaju prethodno iskustvo s skeletnom animacijom. Ovo osigurava da sudionici imaju isto osnovno znanje za napredne module.

Temporal Slots
9:00 - 9:45The workflow of Spine
Slots and images
Exporting from Photoshop
Importing into Spine
10:00 - 10:45
11:00 - 11:45Setting up an advanced character from scratch
(meshes, weights, constraints)
12:00 - 12:45
13:00 - 13:45Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45Animating the new character and improving rigging
15:00 - 15:45
16:00 - 16:45
17:00 - 17:45Recap of Day 1 and questions


Ovi napredni moduli usmjereni su na specifične Spine značajke i tehnike. Napredni moduli mogu se odabrati bez glavnog modula ako svi sudionici imaju odgovarajuće iskustvo sa Spineom.

2.5D Effects (3 hours)

Learn how to achieve three-dimensionality using 2D images with meshes, weights, control bones, and free-form deformation.

Organization, RegEx, and Export (1 hour)

Learn the technical aspects of managing your Spine project, asset files, and exports. Search and replace using regular expressions to quickly create skins, reorganize your project, and more.

Control Bones (3 hours)

Optimize your animations by avoiding direct mesh deformations to achieve a smaller file size, improved performance, and make it easier to reuse your animations.

Deformation vs Weights (2 hours)

This module focuses on the pros and cons of using free-form deformation vs bone weights. Learn the specific situations where each technique is most appropriate.

Clothing, Capes, and Gowns (2 hours)

Learn to animate complex clothes in 2D. Learn how to structure the rig to efficiently control clothing meshes that follow body parts but can still be manipulated independently.

Facial Expressions (4 hours)

Learn how to construct rigs which can be manipulated for a variety of facial expressions. Various rigging approaches are covered for eyes, opening and closing a mouth, 2.5D effects, expression from combining multiple animations, and more.

Transform Constraints (2 hours)

Learn the many uses of transform constraints for advanced rigging controls, dynamic bone reparenting, and much more.

Path Constraints (2 hours)

Learn how to use paths and path constraints for smooth motion that would be difficult to animate using translation alone.

Advanced Constraints 1 (2 hours)

Learn to use multiple constraints together in complex rigs. Set up a character with strechy limbs using meshes, weights, paths, path constraints, and IK constraints.

Advanced Constraints 2 (2 hours)

Learn how constraint order can be used to your advantage in complex rigs with multiple constraints. Set up a tentacle rig with organic movement using meshes, weights, paths, path constraints, and transform constraints.

Visual Effects (2 hours)

Learn to create optimized visual effects (VFX) in Spine using any combination of skeletal animation, frame-by-frame animation, and runtime generated particles.

Rigging Hair (1 hour)

Learn how to create and optimize the hairstyles of your characters with both performance and aesthetics in mind.

Pixel Art (1 hour)

Learn a variety of tips and tricks to use Spine for pixel art projects, whether for a retro frame-by-frame look or for mixing pixel art with smooth interpolation.

Tint Black (1 hour)

Learn how to get more mileage from of your art assets through creative use of tint black for equipment, items, visual effects, and more.

Skin Bones and Constraints (2 hours)

Learn how to use skin specific bones and constraints to improve the organization and reusability of complex rigs.

Multi-pose Characters (2 hours)

Learn how to setup your Photoshop and Spine workflows to create alternative poses for your characters within a single skeleton.

Rig Review (1 hour)

Have your rig reviewed by a Spine expert who then guides you through rigging additional features of your choice. The rig must be sent to us ahead of the workshop. The number of hours may be increased as needed for more complex characters.

Guided Rigging (1 hour)

Follow along as a Spine expert rigs a character of your choice from scratch with commentary and review. A Photoshop file ready to be exported to Spine must be sent to us ahead of the workshop. The number of hours may be increased as needed for more complex characters.


Vaš slučaj nije gore naveden? Nema problema, možete specificirati temu koju želite da obradimo i pitanja koja imate ovdje i mi ćemo pripremiti odgovarajući nastavni materijal.

Custom Module

Topics, questions, or other items you would like covered in the custom module:

Zahtjevi radionice
Tip radionice
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