I'm currently encountering a problem where skins are flickering on and off in android builds when there are 10+ instances of the same skeleton on the screen at once. It does not occur in editor and pc builds, but I have not tested it on iOS. It also goes back to normal as I reduce the number of instances (killing the enemies.) It doesn't seem performance related though the fps is fine.
I only use 1 skin placeholder on the skeleton (I just swap the heads out.) and each skin is set in the inspector, I do not change it at runtime, and the only code I use just changes animations at runtime so I don't think there is much that could be causing it on my end.
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it is indeed a bug, I'm on a version of Unity 5.6.2 as I read 2017 has issues with spine, I can try put together a small repo project if it helps. I haven't looked in to the problem myself yet.