• Unity
  • Sprite Shaders for Unity

If you mean ToddRiver's fist posting 3 years ago, I fear that he will simply not be able to do so.

3 mjeseci kasnije

Hi, is there any way to get this shader to work with SpriteMasks?

The Spine/Sprite/* shaders included in spine-unity 3.8 and 3.9 are already compatible with SpriteMasks.

To activate mask interaction, you just have to select your SkeletonAnimation (or SkeletonMecanim) GameObject and in the Inspector and change Mask Interaction from None to your desired interaction mode.

godina kasnije

Many thanks for Todd and Respect : )

Hello again. Have a problem. And need help to understand
What does it mean Z order. And how I can fix it?

Change Lighting mode to Vertex Lit

9 dana kasnije

Sorry for the late reply! Glad you've figured it out, thanks for letting us know.

In case you need this later, you would have needed to set Z Spacing here under the Advanced Inspector foldout of SkeletonAnimation, as the message suggested:
spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Setting Advanced Parameters

3 mjeseci kasnije
mercuryarms wrote

How to get sharp shadow edges ( toon shading ) like in this video?

Create a new texture with any resolution (power of two preferably), and paint the left half of the texture with a dark color, and the right half with white. Then place the texture in the Spine/Sprite/VertexLit material's Diffuse Ramp texture slot in Unity.

Probably its too late asking in this thread
I used this file (the last attachment) for ramp. Bur result is not the same as in your post.

Without DR

With DR


Where is a problem?
Unity 2020. Point Light.

This seems to be the same question as posted on this thread:
2D Light URP Light Mask Duffuse Ramp and Specular
Please always keep to a single forum thread and not double post your question. And don't worry, we will find new forum postings, no matter on which subforum or thread they have been posted.

If the two questions are the same, let's please keep it to one of the two threads.
If they are separate questions, could you please provide more information about whether you are using Universal Render Pipeline or not, and if so, wheter you are perhaps using 2D Renderer for 2D lighting?