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[release] StarMaze Lite
I just released my first game: StarMaze Lite
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.pl.onthemoon.starMazeLite
Site: http://starmaze.on-the-moon.pl/
In Lite version You have access to:
- Survival mode (get highest score)
- Google Play Game service
I used:
- Starling
- Feathers
- Spine (animation tool)
- AdMob ANE (from milkmangames)
- Google Play Games ANE (from milkmangames)
So if You have some questions / sugestions, please give me feedback.
I just released new version (1.0.1) of game: StarMaze Lite
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... arMazeLite
Now i think it is good version for advertising this game.
Love it!
Really nice animations on the character and the game looks like a great way to just zone out
Thank you for sharing and good luck with it!
@Shiu: Thanks for good words :-).
Yesterday I created simple trailer for this game:
I hope it will incline people to try my game.