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Help with Spine Mesh rendering ATF's via Starling
Hi guys, when I render a custom edited mesh using an ATF file on iOS you can see the mesh area around the image.
You can see it here with renderMeshes set to true. You can see that if I load the ATF file just a texture it's fine.
skeleton = new SkeletonAnimation( skeletonData, true, stateData );
This image shows the ATF rendering the Spine elements but with renderMeshes set to false. So the center elements don't show
skeleton = new SkeletonAnimation( skeletonData, false, stateData );
Any ideas on what I can do to get the meshes to show without the mesh border showing like that?
Ideally I want the final render to look like this
Thanks for the help
- Patrick
bumping this hoping for some help soon
Sorry for the delay.
Have you tried using or not using premultiplied alpha in the settings when you pack the atlas?
I am using TexturePacker to create the ATF texture. I didn't see ATF in the output settings for Spine. The animations play perfectly. It's the mesh regions that are the issue.
In the 2nd screenshot I have renderMeshes set to false and the objects that don't have a custom shaped mesh render fine.
The objects with a custom mesh don't appear.
Any ideas on where I can start to look?
Hmm. Sorry, I'm not familiar with ATF. Looking at the rendering code for meshes might help. This might be a good question for Daniel (Starling author). He can be found on the Starling forums.
HI Nate, you'll see that Daniel added a pull request adding some support for ATFs
https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... s/pull/318
I tested this update and it works.
Oh, fantastic! Merged! :party: