• Bugs
  • linear filtering

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hi friends,

the linear filtering is not working on 1.8.42 professional for me anymore. i get pixel-edges on picture export. is seems this is related to the last update.

Hmmm, I've just checked if that was the case here and it wasn't. Are you sure you've set the texture packer to export linear and not nearest ?

hi shiu.

its everything setup to defaults.

does the texture packer affect the png export ?
( singe sprite animation, not json / atlas ! )

  • in the texture packer the filter min / filter max is set to linear.
  • in the texture packer the output is set to premultiply alpha
  • in the overal settings linear filter is checked.
  • in the export dialog for png is nothing related to linear rendering or texture packer

Ah, I see. Misunderstood the first post. You probably have it set to show with Nearest filtering inside Spine. If you go to Settings and set it back to Linear and then export your PNG it should be ok.

ok but how to set "to show with Nearest filtering inside Spine." ?

i tryed again over the "texture packer > settings" and found there "runtime settings" what i changed "filter min and filter mag" ( should it be max?) to nearest.

then i looked back into the global "settings" - linear filtering was already "on" - did a test rendering - dont work - i turned linear filtering off - dont work - on - dont work . 🙁

remember - i changed nothing in my rendering setup with output / setup stuff.
before the update everything worked fine.

here is an attachment of an output. the strange thing is : the pixel edges just appears on mesh-transform.

Texture Packer settings don't affect PNG output as far as I know, I just misunderstood your first post.
The setting you are looking for is this one

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However if you've already tried that and it still doesn't work it could be caused by another thing.
You say it is only happening on meshes. My guess is you don't have any white space around the edges of your image. The edge of a mesh will not be aliased. So what you want to do is add a little white space around your image.


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Here I have a blue texture and a green texture, if I export the blue one it won't have any whitespace padding and therefore there will be aliasing because it will be right at the borders of the mesh. If I export the green one it will be ok since there is a bit of whitespace.

With that in mind I think I'm actually gonna add in a whitespace padding option into the Photoshop export script 🙂

I hope that helps.

hi shiu, your gut feeling was right. i did a small 3px gap in the png and it worked. this remembers me back where i had to use this kind of technique in flash to prevent strange antialiasing / scaling bugs.

so if this is the issue - there should not be a photoshop export script because photoshop is just one external tool to produce pngs - right ? instead i would recommend to have a auto "padding/margin" inside spline - or communicate to have some space arround your sprites somewhere else.

thanks for the help.