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  • Multiple Godot Versions,1 Spine-Godot Runtime

Finally, I can build two versions of Godot Engine from one version of Spine-Godot runtime in the same folder.

Good thing, only one precompiler area of SpineAnimationTrack.cpp needed to be tweaked.
#include "godot 3.5/editor/editor_node.h"
#include "godot 4.3/editor/editor_node.h"

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Huh, spine-godot should build out of the box for Godot 3.5 and 4.x. What error are you getting?

I have two separate branches of Godot inside Spine-Godot folder that needed to be renamed to distinguish version. SCons could not locate the "godot/editor/editor_node.h" for SpineAnimationTrack.cpp.