I'm using Cocos2D v3.0 for my new game. But sprites are not rendering.
As far as I could tell Spine doesn't seem to support v3, so I had a go at updating it - my fork is here:
https://github.com/sarah-j-smith/spine- ... ee/cocosv3
When it didn't work in my game I created a minimal proof of the issue which uses the SpineBoy example:
The Cocos2D-iphone guys updated from v2.x a while ago, and at the same time bought out a new tool Sprite Builder (based on CocosBuilder). Things which make it utterly compelling for me are Android support, and the new Sprite Builder tool. There's a load of nice other things too, like ARC inside of Cocos. Going back to v2.x is not really an option for me.
Unfortunately with my hacking to date I haven't been able to get Spine animations working under v3. It runs, and I see the debug bones moving on the screen, with the SpineBoy example, but no sprites display.
Anyone seen symptoms like this before?