hidemin5148 SkeletonUtilityBone 을 OverrideMode 상태에서 Transform 을 변경해 스파인 애니메이션을 움직였습니다 이 상태에서 Bone을 Override 하지 않은 초기의 값으로 애니메이션 상태를 되돌리고 싶습니다 방법이 있을까요?
Misaki hidemin5148 To reset a bone to its setup pose, you can use the Bone SetToSetupPose() method. For example, first get the bone using the Skeleton FindBone method and then call the SetToSetupPose() method, like the following: Spine.Bone targetBone = skeleton.FindBone("targetBoneName"); targetBone.SetToSetupPose(); Alternatively, if you have many bones to reset, you can call the Skeleton SetBonesToSetupPose() method to reset all bones to their setup poses.