怪物有个是自己发怒的技能. 使用这个技能时怪物身上会出现火焰燃烧的效果.
有没有类似SkeletonGhost的脚本可以实现 在怪物身上出现火焰 ?

Monsters have an ability to enrage themselves. When this ability is used, a flame effect appears on the monster's body. In our project, I found an ability that used the SkeletonGhost script to create lingering images during movement. Is there a script similar to SkeletonGhost that can create a flame effect on the monster?

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    Init There are quite a few different ways to accomplish what you want, so I'm not exactly sure which one would work best in your case, but a common way to think about it is to create a flame effect using a particle system or something like that, and then have the flame effect follow a specific bone using the BoneFollower component. This will allow the flame effect to follow when that monster animates and moves its body.

    If you want the flame to fire at a specific time during the animation, you can use event keys and then write a script to react to the user defined event so that you can start emitting particles at the timing when the event key is fired. For more information on the animation events, see the following section of the documentation: https://zh.esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity#%E5%A4%84%E7%90%86AnimationStates%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6