• RuntimesUnity
  • About Spine's frame rate being different from Unity's runtime frame rate

Suppose I create a 60 frame animation in Spine.
What happens when Unity runtime frames are limited to 30, 60, 120FPS?

Will the Unity-Spine plugin fit the frame rate by modifying the pace size of the sampled animation curve?
For example:
When Unity is 60FPS, each step is frame 1, frame 2, frame 3 ...... frame 60 of the Spine animation.
When Unity is 30FPS, each step is frame 1, frame 3, frame 5 ...... frame 59 of the Spine animation.
When Unity is 120FPS, each step is frame 1, frame 1, frame 2, frame 2 ...... frame 60, frame 60 of the Spine animation.

Or will it fit the frame rate by stretching the original animation?

    Related Discussions

    When exporting data and at runtime, all times are in seconds. So even if the animation is created at 60 FPS and played at 120 FPS, it will not repeat the same frame twice, as in your example. In other words, the pose between frame1 and frame2 would be calculated and displayed next to frame1, and then the pose of frame2 would be displayed.

    The explanation in this thread may be clearer:

      Thank you for your reply, it gives me a clearer understanding of Spine.

      Spine can interpolate the pose between between animations frames. That means Spine animations can be played at any framerate, faster or slower. You can use the Playback view (alt+P in animate mode) to change the playback speed and see how the animations looks slower or faster. You can also turn off interpolation and see the animations is no longer as smooth.