• Runtimes
  • C++ render mesh attachment

I'm trying to render spine in my c++ project with Directx9.
I success render region attachment with DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP by quadIndices

unsigned short quadIndices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 };

but as C++ Runtime Document Code (Render mesh attachment code)
vertices size is more than 4, so don't know how can i get index of them.
how can i get mesh attachment vertices index and draw them?

    Related Discussions
    5 dana kasnije


    Thanks for reply.
    MeshAttachment::getTriangles() seems work.
    however, drawing mesh has problem.
    the code right this. I draw attachment with like this, but mesh don't draw anything.

    MeshAttachment* pMesh = (MeshAttachment*)pAttachment;
    vecVertices.setSize(pMesh->getWorldVerticesLength() / 2, SpineVertex());
    size_t iNumVertices = pMesh->getWorldVerticesLength() / 2;
    pMesh->computeWorldVertices(*pSlot, 0, iNumVertices, &(vecVertices.buffer()->x), 0, 7);
    pTexture = (CKTDXDeviceTexture*)((AtlasRegion*)pMesh->getRegion())->page->getRendererObject();
    for (size_t j = 0, l = 0; j < iNumVertices; j++, l += 2)
    	SpineVertex& kVertex = vecVertices[j];
    	kVertex.z = 1.f;
    	kVertex.rhw = 1.f;
    	kVertex.color = ((int)(kTint.r * 255) << 24) | ((int)(kTint.g * 255) << 16) | ((int)(kTint.b * 255) << 8) | (int)(kTint.a * 255);
    	kVertex.u = pMesh->getUVs()[l];
    	kVertex.v = pMesh->getUVs()[l + 1];
    unsigned short* indices = pMesh->getTriangles().buffer();
    DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, iNumVertices, 2, indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vecVertices.buffer(), sizeof(SpineVertex));

    It's impossible for us to help with this piece of code, as too many things not in the code can go wrong. More over, I'm not a DirectX expert (anymore), so I can't tell if your use of the DirectX APIs is correct.

    I suggest you start by plugging in known "good" data for vecVertices and indices, e.g. a simple triangle. That helps you validate that your DirectX code is correct. Then, I'd create a simple Spine skeleton with a single mesh attachement that consists of a single triangle. It's then very easy to debug the rest of the code with that data.