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Hello! How do I get the current animation playing and not display the same animation again if it is already shown? Been having trouble just implementing simple topdown movement because of that...

What is the bigger context?
You could set the looping off for example as explained here, so that the animation you set only plays once:
spine-godot Runtime Documentation: Animating a
(disclaimer: I am but a humble animator attempting to code in Godot for the first time)

Erika wrote

What is the bigger context?
You could set the looping off for example as explained here, so that the animation you set only plays once:
(disclaimer: I am but a humble animator attempting to code in Godot for the first time)

I might need to play around with it some more xD (anyway Spine is great! I could make animations that would usually take me ages to make in like a day).

Btw, Godot 3.5 was just released, will the Spine runtime be updated to support that version?

8 dana kasnije
Mario wrote

Already up-to-date 🙂 You can find the download links for the new binaries here:
spine-godot Runtime Documentation

Nice thank you 😃
Amazing software with amazing support!

It seems using the custom build Godot Spine version clashes with some plugins that also use JSON for data... Keeps saying error parsing JSON at line 0, which doesn't happen if I use the official build of Godot 3.5 (I use a bare new project with only that plugin for tests)

The big one I'm using is Dialogic, which is kinda essensial plugin if you want to have dialogs in the game. Any way to fix this or am I doing something wrong?

Animating my character in Godot is working great.

As far as setting up the character controller, I know I can do something like:

if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"):
get_animation_state().set_animation("Run", true, 0)
velocity.x -= speed

...this moves the character, but since I'm not extending KinematicBody2D I don't have access to 'move_and_slide()' & 'is_on_floor()' like most controller examples use.

So what I'm doing is setting the 'SpineSprite' node as a child of 'KinematicBody2D' node.

Then I can apply the animation Spine code to the SprineSprite node & have a separate script on the KinematicBody2D node to process anything I want with is_on_floor() & move_and_slide().

But I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, or if it's better I just build out all the custom control physics all in the 'SpineSprite' script. Curious what anyone else is doing...

jdowdy6 wrote

But I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, or if it's better I just build out all the custom control physics all in the 'SpineSprite' script. Curious what anyone else is doing...

I mean, you'd do this for a regular KinematicBody2D + Sprite setup, wouldn't you?

That's a reasonable setup imho.

Okay cool thanks Ryusui & Mario.

13 dana kasnije

Hello guys, 🙂 I have a question:

What is the best way to detect when a specific animation has finished that has been playback twice in a queued animation?

Let me explain:

I'm doing a boxing game where the enemy do a combo punch: left punch, right punch, and again same animation left punch.

First I tried to use the signal completed animation to go back to idle(if the animation name is "left punch" go back to idle animation) but obviously because the first animation and the last are the same after playback the first animation it will go back to idle skipping the rest of the combo(right punch and left punch again).

The idea I've come up with is making two idle animations that are the same but with different names, one when the scene starts another one (that has been duplicated in Spine) with different name when the combo finish to go back to idle animation.

I tried using when animation is completed signal and using SpineTrackEntry get_current(track_id: int) something like this:

But it seems it doesn't work. Is there a way to detect when all the added animations has finished? Or detect when a specific animation has finished that has been playback twice in a queued animation?

I feel like you're leaning too heavily on the animation itself to time the mechanics.

Like...what I'd do is, I'd queue up the left jab, wait till it finishes, queue up the right jab, wait until that finishes, queue up the left jab again, wait for that to finish, and then set the idle animation. You could, alternately, use signals to determine which animations have finished, and detect whether all three animations have played that way, but I think my suggested method would be more straightforward to implement.

@maranpis AnimationState.get_current() will not return null if you loop the animation, as the track entry will remain on the track indefinitely until you queue a new animation or clear the track entry.

I have a todo list item that will allow setting a signal callback on individual track entries as returned by add_animation or set_animation. That way, you can add a signal callback to the track entry and know exactly when it has started/completed (a loop)/ended, and do whatever you need to do. You can already do this by setting a signal callback on the animation state itself, then checking the track entry that your signal callback is passed, e.g.

You can simply query the animation name of the animation represented by the track entry:

func _animation_completed(sprite: SpineSprite, animation_state: SpineAnimationState, track_entry: SpineTrackEntry):
   print("Animation completed: " + track_entry.get_animation().get_name())
Ryusui wrote

I feel like you're leaning too heavily on the animation itself to time the mechanics.

Like...what I'd do is, I'd queue up the left jab, wait till it finishes, queue up the right jab, wait until that finishes, queue up the left jab again, wait for that to finish, and then set the idle animation. You could, alternately, use signals to determine which animations have finished, and detect whether all three animations have played that way, but I think my suggested method would be more straightforward to implement.

Hello Ryusui, thanks for your answer 🙂 . Considering that the animation goes like this (left_jab, right_jab_left_jab) I don't get how with signals I can differentiate the first left jab animation playback from the second jab animation playback. Could you explain it a little bit more, please?

Mario wrote

@[obrisani korisnik] AnimationState.get_current() will not return null if you loop the animation, as the track entry will remain on the track indefinitely until you queue a new animation or clear the track entry.

Hello Mario and thanks for your answer. The final animation "idle" is the solution I have found to finish the combo and go back to idle animation. But before I just have the piece of code without the last animation:

   Ebrius_Spine_animation.add_animation("ebrius_left_jab",fixed_delay, false,0)

So I thought that when the last animation finishes, the AnimationState.get_current() in the func _animation_completed will give me null. Apparently, when the left jab animation finishes, it stays in the last frame of the animation, so I guess the track still has the animation and won't give null.

I might be misunderstanding how your game works but it feels like you're stuck on the idea of "the final left jab has to reset the animation." What's wrong with setting a count for the number of queued animations, decrementing it by one each time an animation in the sequence ends, and when it hits 0, returning to the idle state? You could configure this for any sequence of animations, without having to worry about which specific ones are queued. (And if anything interrupts the sequence - like the character getting hit mid-combo - you could set the count to 0 then!)

But yeah, to explain my original idea better, you could also set it so the animation_complete callback sets each subsequent animation in the sequence in turn, instead of queueing them all at once.

7 dana kasnije
Ryusui wrote

I might be misunderstanding how your game works but it feels like you're stuck on the idea of "the final left jab has to reset the animation." What's wrong with setting a count for the number of queued animations, decrementing it by one each time an animation in the sequence ends, and when it hits 0, returning to the idle state? You could configure this for any sequence of animations, without having to worry about which specific ones are queued. (And if anything interrupts the sequence - like the character getting hit mid-combo - you could set the count to 0 then!).

That's a great idea! thanks for the suggestion 🙂

If you want the track to clear when it reaches the animation duration, you need to set TrackEntry trackEnd. However, you probably want to use an empty animation to transition to the setup pose rather than clearing the track.

You could use a listener on the TrackEntry for the last queued animation (eg the second left jab) to set to idle. I'm not sure spine-godot supports that yet, but it will.

Using the animation system for your game state isn't great. It would be much better to track what state your game is in separately, then set animations based on that. Separating animating from game state simplifies things and will help if you ever need to serialize the game state. You can Google for the "MVC design pattern". Super Spineboy uses it:

You can see how it works here:
The game state keeps track of what the player is doing, then this code checks if the corresponding animation is playing. If not, it plays it.

Nate wrote

If you want the track to clear when it reaches the animation duration, you need to set TrackEntry trackEnd. However, you probably want to use an empty animation to transition to the setup pose rather than clearing the track.

You could use a listener on the TrackEntry for the last queued animation (eg the second left jab) to set to idle. I'm not sure spine-godot supports that yet, but it will.

Using the animation system for your game state isn't great. It would be much better to track what state your game is in separately, then set animations based on that. Separating animating from game state simplifies things and will help if you ever need to serialize the game state. You can Google for the "MVC design pattern". Super Spineboy uses it:

You can see how it works here:
The game state keeps track of what the player is doing, then this code checks if the corresponding animation is playing. If not, it plays it.

Thanks, Nate! I'll keep that in mind for the animations. Now, I have a problem with the enemy's hook: I want the player to be able to dodge the hook by going under the glove like this:

I have no idea how I can change just the drawing order of the left arm because as you see if I change the entire skeleton's draw order the enemy torso overlaps the player's right glove. I've come up with 3 possible solutions:

1) Put the left arm on a different skeleton and copy the animations.

2) Maybe use the tracks, put the arm on track 1, and maybe you can change only the drawing order.

3) The easiest solution when the glove passes over the head is to make the player's head disappear, making the illusion that it has passed under it, and play then with the mesh tool to progressively make the face appear at the edge of the glove and the face.

Any ideas?

Have you considered adjusting the composition of the player and enemy sprites so you don't have to adjust the drawing order? Perhaps make the player dodge backwards instead of crouching, or crouch low enough that the punch looks like it's sailing over their head without overlapping. Alternately, move the sprites further apart so that the fist doesn't reach beyond the player's body, so that it makes sense that the fist never overlaps the player.