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  • Unity Asset Store

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I tried finding more info on this, however some of the posts posing the same question were many years old.

Under the new Third-Party licensing does this now mean we can include runtimes on asset sales?

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No, unfortunately the problem is on the Unity Asset Store license side. Unity says anything on their store can't have any licensing terms except their terms. The Spine Runtimes can't be put on the Unity Asset Store because they are licensed using the Spine Runtimes license, not the Unity Asset Store license.

You can still put other things on the Unity Asset Store, like Spine project files, and then give instructions for people to download the Spine Runtimes. It's also nice to point out that the Spine Runtimes license applies to using the Spine Runtimes, so people aren't surprised.

Nate wrote

No, unfortunately the problem is on the Unity Asset Store license side. Unity says anything on their store can't have any licensing terms except their terms. The Spine Runtimes can't be put on the Unity Asset Store because they are licensed using the Spine Runtimes license, not the Unity Asset Store license.

You can still put other things on the Unity Asset Store, like Spine project files, and then give instructions for people to download the Spine Runtimes. It's also nice to point out that the Spine Runtimes license applies to using the Spine Runtimes, so people aren't surprised.

So would the person buying the animations be able to use the runtime we direct them to download without their own license in this sense, or they would still require to purchase the license as before?

If someone wants to use the Spine Runtimes, the Spine Runtimes license applies:
Spine Runtimes License Agreement

There are two options:

1) They can license Spine, which grants rights to build any number of applications using the Spine Runtimes. In that case, see Section 2 of the Spine Editor license:
Spine Editor License Agreement: s2

2) Otherwise they can include the Spine Runtimes license with their applications, which means each of the users of those applications needs a Spine license.

The text in your original quote is talking about Section 2.3:
Spine Editor License Agreement: s2.3
That allows you to license Spine, build an app, and then sell or give the app to 3rd parties, then as long as those 3rd parties don't modify the app, they don't need a Spine license.

When you give someone Spine assets for them to build their own app using the Spine Runtimes, then they need a Spine license since they are building a new app using the Spine Runtimes.

To be clear, you can sell or give your Spine project file or exported images, video, or data to others. The others only need a Spine license if they want to build an app using the Spine Runtimes.