As i mentioned earlier, i could handle the problem somehow.
It turned out the problem was the bug of Unreal engine's UHT / signature system.
void AdjustTargetIKBone(USpineSkeletonComponent* skeleton);
void ResetTargetIKBone(USpineSkeletonComponent* skeleton);
basically i tried to save a bone' transform before adjusting the bone's location,
and reset it after updating the world transform of skeleton.
The func 'AdjustTargetIKBone' was supposed to be bound to BeforeUpdateWorldTransform delegate,
and the func 'ResetTargetIKBone' was supposed to be bound to AfterUpdateWorldTransform delegate.
But sadly, UHT system had a difficulty to identify each function to each for some reason, (i guess it is because both function had identical UFUNCTION specifier and also exactly same signature), so 'AdjustTargetIKBone' had been bound to AfterUpdateWorldTransform instead of
'ResetTargetIKBone' function.
this is why my logic was broken at the moment(because one of the function even didn't be called properly). and I, didn't know anything about this bug, AND after trying to fix my logic about 30 times, was convinced to think this is a problem of the plugin.
Well, it was a quite annoying experience. for sure. >:C
I'm sorry for this whole situation and I'd like to say thank you for helping my situation.