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libGDX Jam September '21 Trailer
I don't claim to be some great artist. I rotoscoped all those frames from the source material, the Batman The Animated Series trailer. But I did hand draw every single damn frame, so it took me a whole month to produce.
I used Spine to manage the frames. Who's saying you can't use Spine for frame-by-frame animation now? I'm surprised it didn't crash because I produced hundreds of frames at 1920x1080 lol. I used some simple translation keys for the panning shots. I exported to MOV and pieced the scenes together in Da Vinci Resolve.
I have an awesome new musician that did a great job on making a sound-a-like of the famous theme. I'm really happy with the result. Well anyway, thanks for watching.
It's amazing! Love it! Super cool you used Spine to help make it, too.
Image ratio 4:3, skin composer. Nice.
That's just awesome, great work! 8)
Thanks for watching everybody!
I love the text sprinkled through, like on the boomerang.
Hah! Good eye. Most people missed that! I wish I put a Spine reference in there, bit too late hehehh
As soon as I saw "scene2d" I analyzed everything carefully.
OMG this is awesome XD
Thanks Erika!