Hello, you have a very interesting animation software product !
My task is to make a beautiful cartoon with a live camera from animations. I need to change the Unity camera (positions, zoom) in certain animation frames. And then a problem arose. Each time I do this task for a very long time.
Every time I slow down the time and start the Unity play mode to catch the "AnimationTime" I need
// Example
//BEFORE = looking for frames of meaningful (beautiful, dynamic) animation frames
private void Update()
TrackEntry te = animObj.state.GetCurrent(0);
IEnumerator IntroCoroutine()
Time.timeScale = 0.5f;
animObj.state.SetAnimation(0, animName, false);
yield return new WaitForSpineAnimationComplete(animObj.state.GetCurrent(0));
//After = found that after half a second of playing the animation, I need to increase the zoom(from 5 to 4) by 0.3 seconds
// (to make it more vivid, emotionally - zoom a certain number of animation frames)
IEnumerator IntroCoroutine()
Time.timeScale = 1;
animObj.state.SetAnimation(0, animName, false);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
Camera.main.DOOrthoSize(4f, 0.3f); // DOTween
yield return new WaitForSpineAnimationComplete(animObj.state.GetCurrent(0));
Is it possible to view each animation frame in seconds in the Unity editor? (not in the play mode).
At the moment I only have a preview of the animation. I can’t move the red slider and see in each frame what is the value in seconds - 0.2 or 0.33, etc.