You are trying to set a bone to a game world position?
First transform your game world position to the skeleton world space. The game position of your skeleton is 0,0 in the skeleton's world space, so:
worldX = gameX - skeleton.x
worldY = gameY - skeleton.y
If you don't position your skeleton in your game space then the skeleton's X and Y are zero and you can skip this step.
To position a bone, you need to set its local position. The local position of a bone is 0,0 in its parent bone's space, so get the parent bone, convert the skeleton world position to the parent bone's space, and then set the bone position. If your bone is the root bone it doesn't have a parent, in which case it is positioned in the skeleton's world space.
bone = skeleton:findBone("boneName")
if bone.parent == nil then
bone.x = worldX
bone.y = worldY
parentPosition = bone.parent:worldToLocal({worldX, worldY})
bone.x = parentPosition[1]
bone.y = parentPosition[2]