Hi guys, I'm working with characters that have skeletons for multiple views (the front view and the back view).
Right now I'm setting animations and updating both SkeletonAnimations, but only rendering the Mesh for the one that should currently be visible (disabling the other mesh). This would be fine except that the characters in this game are pretty complex and are taking up quite a bit of CPU. I would like to figure out a way that I can only update one SkeletonAnimation at a time instead of both.
The reason I was setting the animations / updating both skeletons is that I need to be able to switch from front view to back view (and vice versa) on the fly, and need the character to be at the correct position within the animations when the switch happens. AKA if a character is halfway through the jump animation, and switches to the other view, its already at the correct halfway point in the animation and everything looks correct.
So my question is - instead of always updating both views, is it possible to do this:
1) Disable all updating (disable the SkeletonAnimation?) on the view that isn't currently being shown.
2) On the frame where the view needs to switch from the previous one to the disabled one, re-enable it and copy all relevant animation-information (track entries?) from the previous view and apply them to the one that just got enabled.
3) Disable the previous view
I'm trying to think of all of the animation info that would be necessary to "reproduce what is currently happening". Is it as simple as just copying the all Track Entries from the previously-shown view to the newly-enabled view? I use the same animation names, etc on both Skeletons. I use multiple tracks, empty animations, and timescaling, so all of that would have to be reproduced.
Thanks for any help, and if I need to explain anything in more detail let me know!