你所遇到的问题看起来好像是你没有在下面的动画中键入相应的附件可视性,而依赖设置姿势。虽然在Spine Preview中似乎可以正常播放,但实际上这是错误的。
The issues you are encountering look as if you have not keyed the respective attachment visibility in your following animation and rely on the setup pose. While it seems to playback correctly in the Spine Preview, this is actually wrong.
From a posting by Nate:
Could you please check that your attachments visibility is correctly keyed at the start of animations instead of relying on setup pose? When this is the case, everything shall display exactly the same as in the Spine editor.
2、在Unity Timeline中,往回拖时Spine动画不能正确定位到指定帧上。
We are sorry for the trouble. We have some tickets on our roadmap regarding the Timeline components: Spine Roadmap
Could you please explain in more detail what is not displayed correctly or how you cannot precicely place the timeline on a frame?
提供多种翻译模式。无论如何,如果你需要与Spine编辑器中的过渡和混合行为相同,请使用 "SkeletonAnimation",因为它使用相同的混合引擎。在 "SkeletonMecanim`中,Unity的过渡引擎将决定权重等,当然会导致与Spine动画系统略有不同。
Please note that SkeletonMecanim
offers multiple translation modes. Anyway, if you need the same exact transition and mixing behaviour as in the Spine editor, please use SkeletonAnimation
, as it uses the same mixing engine. In SkeletonMecanim
, Unity's transition engine will determine the weights, etc and will lead to minor differences to the Spine animation system of course.
如果遇到大的差异,请详细解释一下。只是提到一些东西 "不够好 "并不能帮助我们判断你可能用错了什么设置,或者我们是否可以改进一些东西。
If you encountered major differences, please explain them more precisely. Just mentioning that something "is not good enough" does not help us in determining what you might have used something with wrong setup or whether we can improve something.