Yeah, I “risked” the 3.7 beta status to get audio events, which IMO is a feature that really unlocks full scene animation in Spine. (I say “risked” because I usually avoid betas. 3.7.x has been quite stable.)
I’ll look for the export cropping/settings you mentioned. A camera on the dope sheet would be cool. I can imagine my work flow changing on my project to composite the scenes in Spine instead of After Effects.
Scene comp in AE
- The huge effects library that can be applied to layers
- pre-comping (useful for organizing, grouping, reusing animations)
- camera movement (in my case accomplished with precomping)
Scene comp in Spine
- skip export/import steps for Spine to AE
- better previewing performance
- scrubbable audio (have to hit play in AE)
- scene can be played In-game with sprite assets, smaller in size, maybe interactive